Programming and Relationships
The recent controversy about the missing semicolons in the Twitter's Bootstrap library had me thinking, we the developers, who do we code for? Do we code for our clients, our users? If you said yes to any of those you are right, but not completely.
Think about all the time you spent discussing solutions, strategies, algorithms with your colleagues. Yes the most important people in our developer lives are our fellow developers, who work with us to bring forth the most beautiful stuff we enjoy, code. We owe them a lot and the best way to say thank you, I believe, is not to confuse them, not to make them unhappy, not to make them break their heads over your code. The best way to say thank you is to write code that is readable, maintainable and something that they can reuse.
I feel it is time we look at our code and ask, Ok so how does this affect others? Does it fullfill my clients requirements, does it make my users happy and most importantly does it make my fellow developers' lives easier? Does it allow them to go home early to their families?